Timothy Keller
Dutton Books
I picked this book up the other day because I really enjoy Tim Keller as a writer and speaker. Keller is the pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan which has over 5,000 members. He is also the New York Times Bestselling Author of THE REASON FOR GOD and THE PRODIGAL GOD (both books have made a huge impact in my life and theology and would recommend both books highly).
In his newest book COUNTERFEIT GODS Dr. Keller looks at the root of idolatry in our lives and more specifically the idols of Money, Sex, and Power. For many people in this country attaining the American dream has become the goal of their lives. Men and women pursue money, true love and the life that they’ve always wanted. Most will do whatever it takes to attain these things no matter what the cost. The sad thing is these people have made it such a goal to gain these things that they inevitably put their faith in them. However it is no wonder that when people finally have wealth, true love and the supposed life they’ve always wanted they end up realizing that they aren’t as satisfied as they through they would be. The truth is, we have made these things counterfeit gods and these gods cannot truly give us what we NEED. Only God can satisfy this deep need we all have. Keller writes, “What is an idol? It is anything more important to you than God, anything that absorbs your heart and imagination more than God, anything you see to give you what only God can give.” So the point of this book is to point out that not all of our idols are derived out of bad things. Many place their families as a higher priority than God (this is an idol), others seek to find a companion to share their lives with and will stop at nothing to find that person (this is an idol), while so many strive for wealth in this world and then either invest it in all kinds of stuff to make them feel happier or hoarding and storing it away for no one else to touch (this is an idol). The reality is money, sex and power are not necessarily bad things but they do have the potential to become an idol quickly and even inadvertently.
COUNTERFEIT GODS is an excellent book and I would recommend it highly to anyone. However do not fall into the trap and think, “I don’t have a problem with money, sex and power being idols in my life so this book isn’t for me.” Trust me I felt the same way when I started reading it but then I found it is more relevant that I could ever imagine.
Rating: 5 out of 5 pops!